Tuesday, February 14, 2012

That is a Spade

NOTICE: I want you to know that, due to a deceased motherboard, I no longer have a computer at home, and blogging without one is, obviously, difficult. I am now using Dave's iPad that he generously left home for me today. My first post from an iPad, exciting stuff. (Forgive my typing deficiencies as a result) Posts may be scarce until I'm set up with a new computer... Moving on...today in my thought/study time I came across something quite convicting...which is a fancy way of saying that it made me feel guilty, or more accurately, I realized I was guilty. There is this little verse in James 4 that goes something like, "change your laughter to mourning and your joy to sorrow." Back up the truck! I thought it was "turn your mourning to dancing, joy comes in the morning"?! Upon further reflection and instruction I was able to see that this more was referring to those times when I do indeed need to 'back up the truck' and take note of how I have taken joy in the pleasures of the world, and in so doing have defamed the name of Christ. The times I have participated in the laughter over a fellow believer's ridicule. The times I have watched a program that I knew I had no business indulging in as a believer. The many times I have thought myself so superior. The ways I have jumped in the sack with the world, and enjoyed it, and justified it. Over those times, and seasons of my life I need to mourn. I need to recall the times I've acted as though God wasn't serious when he said "flee from sin!" Like I might be somehow the one who could play with fire and not get burned. I need to take by the throat the thoughts that have so often let me off the hook because my sin isn't THAT bad, or as bad as it could be. The things I have not been really that sorry about. Pride, envy, greed, conceit, self-righteousness, slander... The sad truth is, I have a hundred excuses why I have displayed all these and more. My friends may try to comfort me that there is truth in the excuses. We do that to each other don't we. I tell you that your bitterness is 'understandable'. You tell me that my pride is 'deserved'. I say things like "with all due respect" when I really mean none at all. Today James called a spade a spade. And made me do the same. Let's be honest, there is some need for tears, real mourning, over the glory I have stolen from the Almighty; the sorrow I have caused my Father; the hurt I have heaped on my brothers and sisters. And the bits of pleasure I have taken in doing so. The hope in it all - the joy in being restored to life and the freedom of being out from under sin's deceitful veil. The hope of a new day, even before tomorrow's dawn. Fast and free forgiveness. Let's not leave on that note. Let's recall the promise of "no condemnation for those whose are in Christ Jesus." Let's cling to the truth that we are made in the image of a holy God, to do good works and live in freedom and joy. Let's be so thankful for a redeemed life that is in the process of being refined. Today I began to see a little more luster in the gold as a result of that refining fire. Thank you Lord!

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