Some of you will laugh at my title. I am opinionated. I am not really that reserved when it comes to sharing what I think. Unfortunately, the desire multiplies when I am being critical of something or someone. I do need to learn to differentiate between my opinions and my judgmental nature.
One of my strongest 'gifts' is critical evaluation...I made that term up. But for real, I seem to have a unique ability to look at a situation, event, program, __________ fill in the blank, and identify what is working, what isn't, and how it should be changed to work more effectively and excellently. Either that or I am a hopelessly critical, know-it-all; which is entirely possible. I hope this is something that I am intended to use for good, and I want to. However, when it comes to sharing my observations with those who aren't that interested in feedback it leaves me stewing. I mean, who doesn't want to do whatever they are doing more excellently?! But again, it is only my [not always that] humble opinion.
It is true that the tongue is the hardest to tame, and I really do want to use mine for encouraging and uplifting. I need to choose my words wisely; share my opinions when they are constructive and done so with an appropriate attitude of humility. Good thing I have a blog so I can vent. ;)
Did you read my post this morning?!
hmmmmm, is right. :) what to do? what to do!?